Roder, H. Ed. 2008. Schuhtick. Von kalten Füßen und heißen Sohlen. – Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern
These are good times for lovers of shoes and books about shoes: the exhibition “Schuhtick. Von kalten Füßen und heißen Sohlen” can still be visited in Bremen (until 28 March 2010), after which it moves to Mannheim (until 15 November 2010) and only Saturday 3 October, the homage-exhibition about the great pioneer of the study of leather, Olaf Goubitz, opened in the Shoe- and Leather Museum, Waalwijk (The Netherlands). Several books have been published lately, which include, besides the books on the design on footwear: “Stepping through Time. Archaeological Footwear from Prehistoric Times until 1800” by Olaf Goubitz, Carol van Driel-Murray and Willy Groenman-Van Waateringe, “The Art of the Shoe” by Marie-Josèphe Bossan and “Shoes. A History from Sandals to Sneakers”, which is edited by Giorgio Riello and Peter McNeil. Examples of books that deal with footwear in a more specifi c setting are “Catalogue des chaussures de l’antiquité Égyptienne” by Véronique Montembault, “European Wooden Shoes. Their History and Diversity” by Tet de Boer, the slightly older “Treading in the Past. Sandals fof the Anasazi” edited by Kathy Kankainen and the forthcoming monograph about Tutankhamun’s footwear (Veldmeijer, 2009). A valuable addition to this corpus is the book that accompanies the aforementioned exhibition with the same name “Schuhtick. Von kalten Füßen und heißen Sohlen,” edited by Hartmut Roder.