A humerus of the saber-toothed cat, Homotherium crenatidens (Weithofer, 1889) dredged from the seabed between the British Islands and The Netherlands


  • Dick Mol
  • Wilrie van Logchem


In the last issue of 2008 (Volume 25, 2) of Cranium, the journal of the Dutch Working-Group on Pleistocene Mammals (Werkgroep Pleistocene Zoogdieren, WPZ, http://www.pleistocenemammals. com/new/) Wilrie van Logchem and Dick Mol announce the discovery of a distal end of the saber- toothed cat, Homotherium crenatidens, which fi shermen trawled from the bottom of the North Sea between the British Islands and the European continent. The richly-illustrated paper “De vroegpleistocene sabeltandkat, Homotherium crenatidens (Weithofer, 1889), voor het eerst opgevist van de bodem van de Noordzee” has been published in December 2008.

(previous page). The distal end of the humerus of Homotherium crenatidens from the North Sea. A) Anterior view, B) posterior view, C) medial view, D) lateral view and E) distal view of the trochlea. Collection Bert Schagen, Texel, The Netherlands. Photography Hans Wildschut.


