Verhagen, A. & D. Mol. 2009. De Groote Wielen: er was eens…Wie woonden er in De Groote Wielen in de ijstijd? – Norg, DrukWare
The Netherlands is a small country: only 41 000 square kilometers, one-fi fth of which consists of water. Despite the small area, The Netherlands currently houses about 17 million citizens and is, therefore, one of most densely populated areas in the world. The ever-increasing population requires homes to live in and much agricultural land and other open spaces are ‘confi scated’ for building projects. An example of the former is the agricultural area east of ‘s-Hertogenbosch and close to Rosmalen (in the south of The Netherlands) that is known as De Groote Wielen, the name of which refers to the lake. A lake of 40 hectare large is the centre of a newly built residential quarter, consisting of 6500 houses, and including all facilities humans need to survive: schools, daycare centers, sporting facilities, shops etc. Read more...