Videler, J.J. 2005. Avian Flight. – Oxford, Oxford University Press (Oxford Ornithology Series, edited by T.R. Birkhead. Volume 15)
Let us call it the ‘Linus Pauling Dilemma’: should you judge a scientist (or a book, for that matter) by the overwhelming amount of competent work that he has performed, or by his oddities – which, in Pauling’s case, put him firmly inside the ‘lunatic fringe’. It is a thought that comes up whilst reading John Videler’s ‘Avian Flight’.
For on the one hand this is an expertly written introduction into all aspects of bird flight. What makes it even better is that Videler’s narrative emphasis is not so much on the mechanical minutiae of avian flight, but rather on explaining and describing what makes it all work. There is enough mechanical detail for those who want it, but the fact that it is largely separated from the main text makes this book a treat for experts as well as newcomers to this fascinating field. His writing style, moreover, is enthusiastic and colourful. Read more...