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Author Guidelines

What to submit

Papers accepts papers with topics such as:

  • Aerial archaeological survey
  • Archaeological techniques, theory etc.
  • Architecture
  • Art history
  • Epigraphy
  • History of science
  • Morphology
  • Museology
  • Papyrology
  • Philology
  • Preparation/conservation
  • Religion
  • Underwater archaeology

There are no restrictions to period; we accept contributions from prehistoric times until modern history. If there is doubt whether a paper can be submitted or not, please contact the responsible managing editor first.

Papers can take the form of, for instance:

  • (Exposition)catalogues
  • Descriptions
  • Discussions and correspondences
  • Headline news
  • Independent (case)studies
  • Institute based (case)studies
  • Notes
  • Reports (such as survey and excavation reports)
  • Supplements to previous published work
  • Symposia, workshops etc. and their proceedings

Book reviews

Since we have been co-operating with many well-known and worldwide publishers, the continuous expanding of this system has resulted in the inclusion in our journal of reviews of scientific as well as popular books, which are reviewed by various specialists in the field. The book reviews are free to download and with uploading the new issue, the book reviews stay online in the archives with their title; they are sent for free as pdf-file to anyone who asks for it! In order to discuss books from various angles, we allow two reviews of the same book (in exceptional cases even more) on the condition that the reviews are written with different views and provoke discussion. Also review of older books are welcome; although this is from a commercial point of view of minor importance for the publisher, it still can be of importance for colleague scientists and other interested people. You can send your book review (in English) with the following details: author(s)/editor(s), year, full title, place, publisher, number of pages, ISBN, price, hardback/paperback to the responsible managing editor. Also, send the scanned images (300 dpi or more) of the front and back of the book.

Moving Images

The PJAEE offers the possibility of the publication of animations, such as ct scans of mummies or large picture databases.


The submitted work has to meet the following requirements (any contravention leads to delay in publishing):

  • Submission is done to the appropriate managing editor (addresses see above) and consists of a text in Word (Word.doc) submitted on CD-rom or by email. The manuscript should include low resolution version of the illustrations; only after the paper has been accepted, the original figures and tables are accepted.
  • The final figures can be submitted either as hard copy or as digital image (make sure the figure and table numbering is unmistakable). If digital, photographs should be submitted as .tif or .jpeg (minimum of 300 dpi); drawings as .tiff (minimum of 600 dpi). Use venues such as or Dropbox to submit the images if they exceed in total more than 10 MB. The author is responsible for the permission of the use of illustrations (drawings, photographs or other visual images) made by others and should include the written permission(s) with their submission to the PJAEE.
  • Texts in English and written by non-native English speakers are corrected by a native English speaker before submission.
  • Conform to the author guidelines. Make sure an abstract, table of contents, key-words and list of abbreviations is included.
  • There are no restrictions to length and number of figures (tables, drawings or photographs). However, it is requested to contact the managing editor first in case of exceptionally long manuscripts (over 50 pages plain text) and/or manuscripts with many figures (over 50). There are no costs involved in publishing but the PalArch Journals may ask for financial contribution in exceptional cases. This will be done by mutual arrangement.
  • Studies are peer reviewed by at least one member of the editorial board or in exceptions from outside the board. If the author submits a peer reviewed manuscript, the manuscript should be accompanied by a review form with the reviewer’s comments. The manuscript should be changed in this light. If necessary, any response by the author to the reviewer’s comments should be included in a cover letter. Although a review of other types of manuscripts is not required, it is surely not prohibited.

Author’s Guidelines

Front page (Times New Roman, 12 pt):

Name, institute, full institute address(es), email of author(s)
Figures, tables
Abstract text
Abbreviations (in alphabetical order: abbreviations followed by explanation, no tabs)

Body of text (Times New Roman, 12 pt):

* General: no formatting – for new paragraph just start on a new line!
* One-inch (2.5 cm) margins on all sides.
* Right margin not justified.
* Left margin not indented.
* Single-spaced lines.
* European standard A4 size page layout.


* Primary and secondary headings are numbered, followed by a dot/space; tertiary headings are not numbered.
* Each level of heading is started on a new line.

Hieroglyphic texts:

* Long (more than 25 characters) hieroglyphic texts have to be treated as a figure.
* Edited in a hieroglyphic text-editor, e.g. Glyph.
* Where possible, maintain the same division in lines as the original hieroglyphic text, unless the text is copied from another text edition.
* If the text is copied from another text edition, clearly state which one according to the specifications for ordinary literature-references.


* A transliteration font is preferred, e.g. the font from Glyph.
* Suffices are denoted by ‘=’ , other elements by a single dot ‘.’.
* As with the hieroglyphic text, the transliteration follows if possible the same division as the original text.
* If the transliteration is also copied from another text edition, clearly state which one according to the specifications for ordinary literature-references.


* To avoid different ways of spelling names as well as of sites, the spelling is used as in suggested in the files to be downloaded here Names and Chronology.



* Submit the table as an Excel file: NOT as table in the/a Word file.
* In the text tables are referred to as ‘table(s)’; not abbreviated.
* Tables are numbered separately from figures.
* The table text is started with ‘Table’ followed by number (closed with ‘.’) and the description (and if applicable identity and measuring unit), comparable to figure text (see below)
* After the heading: <enter>
* Special remarks (as few as possible!) are marked in the table by symbols (in the sequence *, **, ***, #, ##, ###) and explained in the table text.
* Tables are not included in the text but each table is submitted separately as Excel file. Make sure the title is clear enough as to avoid any confusion.


* In the text drawings are referred to as ‘figure(s)’; not abbreviated.
* Numbering separately from tables but in sequence with photographs (referred to as ‘figure’ as well; see below).
* Figures (black & white (line) drawings) should not exceed 16 cm wide x 20 cm long.
* The text includes identity (such as inventory number, registration number etc.), details on the scale bar, name(s) of artist(s), courtesy statement.

For example:

Figure 1. Rope, consisting of a coarse fibre core, wrapped with strips of leaf (BE01-48.005 1407-h-7128). Scale bar = 30 mm. Drawing by A.J. Veldmeijer.

* Drawings are not included in the text but each drawing is submitted as separate jpeg or tif file (see above). Make sure the title is clear enough as to avoid any confusion.


* In the text photographs are referred to as ‘figure(s)’; not abbreviated.
* Numbering in sequence with drawings (also referred to as ‘figure’, see above)
* For dimensions see ‘Drawings’.
* The text (abbreviations) in the photograph should be written in Times New Roman, 12 pt. Make sure it contrasts adequately with the background.
* The text includes identity (such as inventory number, registration number etc.), details on the scale bar, name(s) of photographer(s), courtesy statement.
* Plates are not included in the text but each plate is submitted as separate .jpeg file or .tiff file (above). Make sure the title is clear enough as to avoid any confusion.



* Predominantly in text, with a literature list at the end of the article.
* Between brackets.
* One or two authors: (Kellner & Campos, 2002: 354-378).
* Three or more authors: (Wellnhofer et al., 1983: 66).
* When more references are made these have to be put in alphabetical order (not in a time sequence), separated by ‘,’ with various publications of the same author (which publications are stated from oldest to newest) and using ‘;’ to separate different authors. For example: (Kellner, 1991; Veldmeijer, 2002; Wellnhofer, 1978: 67-68; 1985: 66-90).
* References to works of one author, which are published in the same year are marked by ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ etc., starting with the oldest publication.

References to original sources can be done in two ways:

* The original source is called by its common name under which it is generally known. For example: Papyrus Westcar (avoid abbreviations of any sort as a courtesy to our colleagues not familiar with the field of Egyptology).
* The original source is referred to by its inventory number and the museum in which it is kept. For example: Ostrakon Cairo O35555.


* Between “ ” .
* Quotations are accompanied by author, year and pages.
* Left out parts of the citation are indicated by […].

For example:

According to Sidebotham (2000: 100) the locus contained “[…] associated Ptolemaic mixed with early Roman (first century BC) pottery.”

Literature list:

* At the end of the paper.
* The complete unabbreviated title is listed, also for standard works such as Lexikon der Ägyptologie  (thus not referring in the text to ‘LÄ’ but to author etc.). Exceptions to this rule are references to ancient writers such as Herodotus.

For example:

Seeber, C. 1980. Klagefrau. In: Helck, W. & E. Otto. 1980. Lexicon der Ägyptologie. Band III. – Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz: 444-447.

* Author and year are separated by a ‘.’ More than one authors are separated by ‘,’ and ‘&’.
* Title is followed by ‘.’ and ‘-‘.
* In the case of editor(s): Ed(s) follow onto the name(s).
* No capitals except for names.

For example:

Sidebotham, S.E., J.A. Riley, H.A. Hamroush & H. Barakat. 1989. Fieldwork on the Red Sea coast. The 1987 season. – Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt: 127-166.


* After name, year and title follows the name of the journal and volume number(s). Any secondary information (such as the series in which the monograph has appeared) is excluded.

For example:

Junker, H. 1925. Ermenne. Bericht über die Grabungen der Akademie der wissenschaften in Wien auf den Friedhöfen von Ermenne (Nubien) im Winter 1911/12. – Wien/Leipzig, Hölder-Pichler-Temsky A.-G.

* Page numbers follow onto journal after ‘:’ and separated by ‘-‘.

For example:

Wild, J.-P. 1997. Cotton in Roman Egypt: some problems of origin. – Al-Rafidan 18: 287-298.

Chapter in an edited book:

* After name, year and title of chapter follows name(s) of the editor(s).
* Following is the title of the book.
* After the title is ‘-,’ town and publisher.
* After publisher ‘:’ and page numbers.

For example:

Callender, G. 2000. The Middle Kingdom Renaissace (c. 2055-1650 BC). In: Shaw, I. Ed. The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. – Oxford, Oxford University Press: 148-183.


* After name, year, the complete title.
* Title is followed by ‘-‘, town, publisher.

For example:

Wendrich, W.Z. 1999b. The world according to basketry: an ethno-archaeological interpretation of basketry production in Egypt. – Leiden, Centre of Non-Western Studies.


* In the case of second or later editions: year of used edition followed by year of first edition.

For example:

Gardiner, A. 1988 [1927]. Egyptian grammar. Being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs. – Oxford, Griffith Insitute.


* Notes are used very sparingly and only for information of minor relevance.
* Large numbers of notes are not accepted.


  • Send  your paper to the editor by e-mail.
  • Immediately after receiving the manuscript, the managing editor informs the author by email on the procedure and likely date of publishing.
  • Important for the PalArch Journals is a short publishing process. Consequently, submitted manuscripts are published within reasonable time (not taking unexpected and unforeseen problems into account). The publication timescale is dependent on the size of the manuscript as well as the conformity of the submitted work with the guidelines. The publication timescale is also dependent on the reviewing process (all members of the editorial board agreed on reviewing within reasonable time).
  • The submitted work is published at as soon as it meets the requirements. PJAEE is an open access journal (see Note that the downloaded pdf-publications are for personal use only: distribution is prohibited. Notifying third parties should be done by reference to the Journals website
  • The author is not provided with free copies because the publication can be downloaded for free.
  • All contributions are stored in the archives of the PalArch Journals (as hard copy as well as CD-rom) as well as in the National Library (


Responses to published papers should be sent to the managing editor. Start the remark by mentioning the author, title, number of the issue, number of the paper and year. Do not forget to include your own name, institute, full address(es) and email address. The managing editor processes the response and decides whether to include it or not.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.