Narrative construction of the event in al-Maqamat (Forms of Initiation as a Sample)


  • Ibraheem Munther Shati
  • Mahmoud Shallal al-Qaisi Uraiby


Narrative construction, event in al-Maqamat


Badi’ al-Zaman al-Hamadhani reported on the Arab narrative and narration heritage in the objective aspect, within the scope of cadence, beggary, thievery, and others, but he did not rely on the typical construction and circulating in his era and what preceded him, which led him to create a new narrative type, known as the maqamat, and for the maqamat an out-of-the-ordinary news style, and structural forms that departed from the traditional form of news.

We do not neglect the truth, or approach exaggeration if we say: Al-Hamdhani has a unique rhetorical style in constructing events in his maqamat, distinguished by him from others. We can call this method, Al-Hamadhani style, and the initiation is the second textual threshold, after the title threshold, and it is the second motive for reading and discovering the text, Al-Hamadhani did not neglect creativity and ingenuity in weaving the initiation formula in his maqamat, as he is aware of the value of the introductory and its impact on the same recipient.

Badi' al-Zaman al-Hamadhani chose a formula for initiation that is unique in the literary and artistic aspect, rooted in the narrative mind of the Arab person in particular, and the Muslim in general. The follower of the initiation in the Maqamat al-Hamdani will find that its formulas are manifested in all of its maqamat, and this formula is in the Arab narrative heritage in general, and the Islamic tradition in particular. It has specific connotations that we will learn about in the course of our next research.


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How to Cite

Ibraheem Munther Shati, & Mahmoud Shallal al-Qaisi Uraiby. (2021). Narrative construction of the event in al-Maqamat (Forms of Initiation as a Sample). PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(10), 1656-1662. Retrieved from