Stakeholder, Governmental and Customers Oriented Determinants of Quality Drug Making Performance in Thailand: Mediating Role of Sustainability Efforts of Pharmaceutical Firms


  • Thanakorn Thanathanchuchot Pathumthani University, Thailand
  • Pong Horadan Graduate School, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University
  • Sittachai Jirathanyasakul Pathumthani University, Thailand
  • Kanokros Sudprapai Pathumthani University, Thailand


Stakeholder, Governmental, Customers Oriented Determinants, Quality Drug Sustainability Efforts.


Stakeholder’s pressure, costumer’s willingness to pay and government regulations are the factors that might have direct or indirect impact on quality performance. Therefore, this study has been designed in order to to find out the the impact of stakeholder’s pressure, costumers’ willingness to pay and government regulation on the quality performance of an organization in the mediating role of environmental and social sustainability factors. In order to achieve this objective, the researcher has collected data from 284 employees of the pharmaceutical companies. The data was collected by administering a carefully designed questionnaire. When the analysis techniques were applied to the collected data, it was found out that the impact of stakeholder’s pressure and government on the quality performance of the organization is significant but the impact of costumer’s willingness to pay on quality performance has been found as insignificant. On the other hand, the mediating impact of environmental and social sustainability factors between all the independent variables i.e. stakeholder’s pressure, costumers’ willingness to pay and government regulations and the dependent variable, quality performance has been found as significant. These results of the study are having various theoretical, practical and policy making implications as discussed by the author.


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How to Cite

Thanathanchuchot, T. ., Horadan, P. ., Jirathanyasakul, S., & Sudprapai, K. . (2020). Stakeholder, Governmental and Customers Oriented Determinants of Quality Drug Making Performance in Thailand: Mediating Role of Sustainability Efforts of Pharmaceutical Firms. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(1), 199-210. Retrieved from