Coffee is an integral and pervasive aspect of hospitality and is part of many, if not most,
travel and tourism experiences. Coffee consuming, exhibited through cafés or coffee shops, is
a resource for the development of coffee-related tourism. In regards to attracting more
customers and to offer a strong value proposition, coffee shops must be accessible for all,
barrier- free and implement the concept of accessible tourism. This study aims to examine the
compliance of the coffee shops in Jakarta’s shopping malls towards the accessible tourism
standard from UNWTO. This paper uses the qualitative method with descriptive approach
and domain analysis. There were 14 coffee shops as research objects consisting of seven
different brands. Primary data was collected from direct field observation and interviews.
Observation checklists and interview guidelines were used during the field data collection.
The results show that coffee shop accessibility consists of five dimensions: information,
transportation, common requirements, universal design and accessibility. The results also
identify how each dimension of accessible tourism was implemented by each coffee shop.
Therefore, this study can contribute to the quality improvement of the industry to assure that
coffee shops can be accessed by everyone.