The Role Of The Traditional Plays For Improving Tourism Sector In Muna Ethnic
This article discusses the roles of traditional plays in Muna, how it affects the psychology
development of Muna people and how it then could improve the tourism sector. The data
collecting was done by observation, interview, and documentation. It was analyzed by
techniques of reduction, presentation, and taking conclusion. Based on the result of the study, the
movals of each traditional play has several advantages and meanings. Muna traditional plays also
can be placed as one of the triggers to improving the tourism sector in Muna for it has various
essential values lay behind, that could be the reason why people or tourist need to watch and
learn of. It can form and influence the Muna’s people attitude and behaviour. To support the
traditional plays in improving tourism sector, several strategies can be implemented, such as
modify the traditional plays, satisfied service, and holding of competition and festival.