Terms of the jurisprudence of worship in the Holy Quran Through the Electronic Searchlight Mobile Application


  • Adel Abdel Fadil Eid Bleek , Subhi Ibrahim Afifi Al-Meligy


The legislative purpose in the Noble Qur’an is considered one of the most important
objectives for which it was revealed, and it is something that the (Ummah=Islamic nation)
agreed upon, so it took from the Holy Qur’an the first source of legislation, so it was the pole of
the millstone upon which the rulings of Sharia revolved, the source of its sources, and the outlet
from which its origins and branches were derived, and this meaning is confirmed by Many
Quranic and hadith texts. This legislative aspect of the Noble Qur’an is what the scholars of
tafsir are interested in in what is known as jurisprudential exegesis or exegesis of judgments, and
accordingly the jurisprudential interpretation is the interpretation of what is related to the
practical legal rulings in the Holy Qur’an, which is sometimes called verses of rulings, and
sometimes the jurisprudence of the Qur’an. The process is related to what is issued by the
taxpayer, and it includes two basic types: the rulings of ritual acts that are intended to regulate
the relationship between a person and his Lord, and the provisions of transactions that are
intended to regulate the relationships of people with each other, whether they are individuals or
groups. The jurisprudential interpretation is among what can be called interpretations.
Specialization, which is the transformation that the science of exegesis defined by moving from
briefing and comprehension to specialization. Among the characteristics of the jurisprudential
interpretation: The Noble Qur’an has been approached from a purely jurisprudential angle, just as other scholars have dealt with the Qur’an from the angle of their scientific specializations,
within what has been called specialization interpretations. My necks are verses; To justify his
prior positions on many issues, such as the issue of polygamy and the issue of usury; To justify a
corrupt reality that arose away from the provisions of the Noble Qur’an, and the jurisprudential
interpretation is the qualification among the trends of interpretation to resolve the conflict in
these and other issues. The Holy Qur’an, with its rich verbal wealth, is still - and will remain -
the focus of attention of scholars and researchers; To stop understanding its connotations and
judgments to understand what is meant by them. The Qur’anic terminology has received the
attention of scholars since the first beginning of Islam, and many compilations have been singled
out for it, and in recent times there has been a need to research the rest of the words of the dear
book and explain their linguistic and jurisprudential significance, and these jurisprudential terms
can be divided into: terms of worship, terms of financial transactions, and terms of nontransactions Finance (family), terms of penalties and judiciary (felonies and borders), and terms
of international relations and Sharia policy.


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How to Cite

Adel Abdel Fadil Eid Bleek , Subhi Ibrahim Afifi Al-Meligy. (2020). Terms of the jurisprudence of worship in the Holy Quran Through the Electronic Searchlight Mobile Application. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(6), 8769 - 8783. Retrieved from https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/2283