
  • Gennady V. Gnezdilov Moscow Regional State University, 141014, Vera Voloshina str., 24, Mytishchi, Moscow region, Russia
  • Elena M. Klimova Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, 125130, Narvskaya str, 15a, p. 1, Moscow, Russia
  • Leonid V. Nerovnyj Moscow Regional State University, 141014, Vera Voloshina str., 24, Mytishchi, Moscow region, Russia
  • Vadim V. Kiselev Moscow Regional State University, 141014, Vera Voloshina str., 24, Mytishchi, Moscow region, Russia
  • Sergey A. Ognev Moscow Regional State University, 141014, Vera Voloshina str., 24, Mytishchi, Moscow region, Russia


The article describes results of an experimental study of efficiency criteria for managerial decision-making styles. It defines the terms “managerial decision-making style” and “efficiency” as applied to the sphere of management. As it has been required by the theoretical analysis, three groups of efficiency criteria have been outlined and grouped into three categories of efficiency criteria of managerial decision-making styles: efficiency criteria for production, socio-organizational criteria, psychological efficiency criteria for a manager’s personality; also, a theoretical model of a psychological profile for an efficient managerial decision-making style has been developed. The analysis of the results of diagnostics and evaluation of middle-ranking managers’ performance within the survey sample has proved that the newly developed evaluation criteria for middle-ranking managers’ performance, as well as the selected diagnostics methods, are adequate, and discovered that managerial decision-making styles have different leading motives, risk readiness, and job satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Gnezdilov, G. V. ., Klimova, E. M. ., Nerovnyj, L. V. ., Kiselev, V. V. ., & Ognev, S. A. . (2020). EFFICIENCY CRITERIA FOR MANAGERIAL DECISION-MAKING STYLES . PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(3), 1356-1371. Retrieved from https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/296