The principles of accessibility, quality, and social inclusion have always governed education in
India. The plain language means low tuition fees, government accreditation, and caste
reservation quotas. With so little higher education in India, the typical student is lost because of
the quota system because it is more critical to eliminate qualifications than select them. Industry
and services say only a small number of graduates are ready to work, and that the retraining of
the young people requires significant spending in acquiring the necessary skills. This study
investigates the influence of the institution’s locations on the service quality in educational
institutions. The study focuses on the quality of service between professional universities.
Engineering and Medical Colleges operated by both government and private bodies are
categories. The students’ evaluations of the quality dimensions of learning, motivation,
organization, Group engagement, individual reporting, broadness, and examinations &
assignments were carried out in a total of fifty-nine separate variables and reduced to 12 factors
derived from the analysis of the previous studies: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy,
tangible and student assessment in this research, the scientist agreed that the sampling system
should include Engineering and Medical School, Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu. The
researcher has taken 4 Medical colleges and 77 Engineering colleges as the sample unit. There
are 784 participants in the overall study. The study involved the estimation and testing of
hypothesis inferences on the significance of unknown population parameters.