This is an outdated version published on 2021-02-02. Read the most recent version.

The Impact of Social Networking Sites on Arab Literary Genres


  • Sherine Khatib, Sahar Mohamed Fathy, Ghada Kamal Sweilem


Social media is one of the most important factors affecting various aspects of our life, and the problem is a large part of our awareness, tastes and visions in various fields. Literature has had a lot of change because of these sites. This research paper seeks to monitor, analyze, and understand its impact on reshaping the system of Arab literary genres.


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2020-11-02 — Updated on 2021-02-02


How to Cite

Sherine Khatib, Sahar Mohamed Fathy, Ghada Kamal Sweilem. (2021). The Impact of Social Networking Sites on Arab Literary Genres. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(9), 1230 - 1236. Retrieved from (Original work published November 2, 2020)