Role of Development Council’s In Assam For Tribal Belts Regional Development


  • Acharjya Mohan Das


Autonomous and Development council devotes the Tribal people for active involvement and participation in the administration. The councils does not involve only in the policy formation and planning but to implement the policies in the far-flung tribal regions in order to achieve socio-economic and political development. Assam region comprises of various ethnic tribes assimilating and merging their socio-cultural attributes directed towards upliftment and a provision for their active participation in local self-government for their regional developmental aspects. In contemporary the tribal people are facing lots of challenges and problems for their survival.

  This paper's basic objective is to examine the tribal people and their active participation in Autonomous and Development councils and how far the objectives of the Council’s has executed in the Tribal belts of Assam with special reference to Mishing Autonomous Development Council.


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How to Cite

Acharjya Mohan Das. (2020). Role of Development Council’s In Assam For Tribal Belts Regional Development. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(9), 1471 - 1477. Retrieved from