Press freedom is growing rapidly after the expiration of the new order. The development of
printout media each year is increasing for the better. On the other hand, printout media can be
a source of financial income, so the press companies compete by violating press ethics, for
instance, write about pornographic content. The impact is premarital sexual behavior in
adolescents is increasing, so the risk of reproductive disorders is also higher. Discover
criminal liability in press companies, which take part in writing pornographic content. By
using statute approach and conceptual approach. The material used for this paper is divided
into primary material, which is taken form laws and regulations, and secondary material from
books and literature. The materials are analyzed using juridical reasoning to provide juristic
arguments. The criminal liability in a press company will be imposed on the editor chief in
accordance with the regulations of the law No. 40 of 1999 in article 12. Pornography offense
in printout media is a criminal act in press. The criminal liability in Indonesia adheres to the
"fictitious liability" principle since the one doing the deed is not the editor chief, but rather
the journalist. The liability of Press’ Law can also be imposed on the press companies.