Career Motivation & Work-Career Proactivity: Keys to Enhance Graduate Employability


  • Anissa Lestari Kadiyono, Rezki Ashriyana, Nur Amalia Pinuji


Readiness to work is a transitional phase from college to work, which is commonly
referred to as employability. Employability is a particular form of active adaptation that allows
individuals to adapt their work and career environment. Graduates are mostly prepared to enter
the workforce. However, in reality, they have not been able to get a steady job, undergoing
unideal transition phase, and still feel the need for higher capabilities in order to be employed.
The data indicated the need to further research regarding employability of fresh graduates that
have recently entered the workforce. The purpose of this study is to describe employability of
fresh graduates and describe each dimension of employability. This study conducted to 206
people who graduated from university as the higher education institution. This study used nonquantitative
experimental design with a descriptive method. Data retrieval was carried out
through the modification of dispositional measure of employability. The result showed that fresh
graduates had average category of employability. This indicates that fresh graduates tend to be
adaptive in a workplace which is characterized by being reasonably open to new changes and
experiences, having fairly positive judgments and views, and gathering information related to the
work environment. However, they have to improve their motivation to work and their capability to clearly define their self’s identity in the work environment in order that they can be more
proactive to reach their work and career goals.


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How to Cite

Anissa Lestari Kadiyono, Rezki Ashriyana, Nur Amalia Pinuji. (2020). Career Motivation & Work-Career Proactivity: Keys to Enhance Graduate Employability. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(9), 1731 - 1745. Retrieved from