The Role Of Motivation For The Engagement In Outdoor Recreation: Empirical Evidences From Higher Education Students
A concept that has been researched in an in-depth manner in the tourism field is
motivation. Motivation is concerned with the pull and push constructs and their relevant
effect on student behaviour. This study’s purpose is to investigate motivation and its role in
terms of students engaging in outdoor recreation activities. A quantitative research approach
was used in this research. Survey questionnaires were utilised to investigate motivation and
its role in higher education students’ engagement in outdoor recreation activities. The
research reveals that there exists a pull factor of a certain level in students who are engaged in
outdoor recreation activities. These activities also have a certain level of push factor for
students who are engaged in them. In addition, a strong and positive correlation was shown to
exist between the pull factor and the push factor for student engagement in outdoor recreation
activities. A conclusion from this study is that when the pull factor and push factor are higher,
students are better engaged in outdoor recreation activities. Nevertheless, certain elements were also found to exist. These elements are not related to the reasons that motivated the
journey (general factors), but they still have an effect on general satisfaction.