A Hand Written Digit Recognition Based Learning Android Application


  • Swarna Prabha Jenal, Debraj Rana, Subrat Kumar Pradhan


The Hand Written Digit Recognition is an interesting topic which comes under classification model, in current date a lot of work has been done using this technique .This paper works on the same model and technique but directed towards a learning application for Early Childhood. Small kids age between (3-5 years) approximately use to start learning the digits and classify the difference in this period of time .So this work come up with an android application which runs a Hand Written Digit Recognition model to teach those small kids in an effective and interesting manner. The proposed work involved open-source software library Tensor flow to implement Neural Network for the classification model and the use of Android studio for development of Android application for kids use.


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How to Cite

Swarna Prabha Jenal, Debraj Rana, Subrat Kumar Pradhan. (2020). A Hand Written Digit Recognition Based Learning Android Application. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(9), 2151 - 2163. Retrieved from https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/4119