Development of Participative Evaluation Approachatives Digital Learning (Kahoot) as a Strategy of Overlaysing Equity Learning of Physical Education
The development of the participatory-based platform evaluation approach as a strategy of organizing learning evaluation of physical education aims to combine the appliance learning applaire approach that utilizes Kitah's digital learning platform. The problem in this study, teachers have difficulty in the process of assessment and evaluation in the context of the game, the number of learners who lot, less time. This research uses research and development approach, using Research & Development (R & D) method of Borg and Gall. The number of small-scale sample sample amounted to 30 students and a large-scale sample of 80 students. The Observation Sheet format uses a participatory evaluation approach in the form of the containing station loaded in Google Platform, as a data collection of results from the application of the Paraformatic Evaluation of the Parasatasist-based platform. Development of the participatory-based platform evaluation approach in the provision of the evaluation of the performance of the experts of expert validation, small scale trials, large-scale tribunings with revisions at each stage, as well as from the results of respondents observation, the development of the participatory evaluation approach of the Kaoot platform based in the provision of learning evaluation of the oppression declared decent in apply to students of high school / sedraise and in student of physical education physical health and recreation.