Women are expected to innovate, imitate or adopt an economic activity to be called women entrepreneurs. To organize and manage an enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk, women entrepreneurs need to undertake various challenges.The emergence of entrepreneurs in a society depends to a great extent, on the economic, social, religious, cultural and psychological factors prevailing in the society. The present study deals with the challenging traits of 240 women agropreneurs who established their enterprises in Kanyakuari district. The researcher used ANOVA and Cronbach's Alpha to test the reliability of the 22 statements relating to Challenging Traits of Women Agropreneurs and 20 statements relating to Risk Bearing Traits of Women Agropreneurs. ANOVA test and t test are used to find the significance and weightage of the statements under study.The analysis were carried out with the help of SPSS.The current study highlights the fact that the women agropreneurs arewilling to do something even when other people laugh, have a good network of friends, professionals, and business acquaintances and are willing to accept both financial and career risks when necessary. Further from the analysis it is concluded that the women agropreneurs are ready to take risk by looking for suitable methods and techniques to provide success and are willing to put in a great effort to learn something new. They are least bothered about challenging old ideas and applications and seek better ones. Proper networking and technology adoption will help the women agropreneurs to tackle challenges and become successful in their ventures.