Categorizing Of Allium Sativum Based On The Philippines National Standard And Asian Standard Using Pixel Per Metric Ratio And Blob Detection Methods
The researchers used the Blob detection and Pixel per metric ratio methods to determine the texture and size of the garlic based on the Philippine National Standard (PNS/BAFPS No. 51 :2007) and Asian Standard (ASEAN Stan 13:2009). The formulated Blob percentage value in quality grading for Extra Class is less than 20%, Class I is 20% - 40%, Class II is greater than 40% -60%, and Reject is greater than 60%. The size of the garlic was categorized by Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class E. The functionality and reliability of the conveyor system were also examined in this study.
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How to Cite
Bhai Nhuraisha I. Deplomo, Jessie R. Balbin. (2020). Categorizing Of Allium Sativum Based On The Philippines National Standard And Asian Standard Using Pixel Per Metric Ratio And Blob Detection Methods. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(9), 3927 - 3941. Retrieved from