People have been spending or earning money through online transactions for the past few years. It is normal for many people to transact money electronically. During the months of March, April and May 2020, many countries including India announced lockdowns because of the Covid19 Virus pandemic. Most of the regular businesses were locked down completely during this period. However some of the online businesses were permitted to continue their businesses by delivering products to customers directly, with minimum personal contact.
This paper tries to find, through an online survey, the online spending habits of people during this dynamic period, when most of the businesses were going through a sea change because of the COVID19 LOCKDOWN. This was unprecedented in recent memory. The online survey was conducted during the months of April and May 2020. As many offices were closed because of COVID 19 LOCKDOWN, people's ability to pay EMIs online. This paper includes information on the earning and spending habits of people before and during the COVID19 LOCKDOWN. The changes that the COVID19 LOCKDOWN has brought on people's behaviour. How people are planning to spend online, after the COVID19 LOCKDOWN. This paper discusses a variety of products or services people spent money on. The role of App Designs in influencing people's buying decisions. It is found that people were donating money