Initially, most websites were created manually, page by page, starting with one house at the beginning. Most sites were created manually, page by page, starting from one home page, then creating links between the home page and the section page, then between All pages, for example, sample notes, etc. Enthusiasts who were interested in "pushing their institutions to the net" created these first sites. These efforts were well-intentioned, but in general, the compilation of hypertext is difficult and time-consuming .The task and most sites can’t support adding more information very well. At the time, most of the pages had an icon "under construction"; but at some point, enterprises began to do more (and money) on their websites, hoping to bring in more customers, maintain existing customers, or improve its internal operations are also suggested by internal network advocates. The process of professionalizing the website has started with phrases such as "Making web pages dynamic" and "Content separate from the presentation" later. These two methods of submitting the problem of developing large-scale websites have some important differences. While the first emphasizes the use of some programming languages to encrypt application logic, the second is normally expressed as page templates that are merged with the data, in a similar way to the templates used for mail merge versus a database of addresses. Currently, most non-handmade websites are created in programming languages and try to "make web pages dynamic" (in the early days of the web, a shell script was used to create a server-side syntax;] ASP [asp], Perl [Perl], and Python pts. ASP.NET sites will now be built in both the newest and best edition of Microsoft's Visual Basic and the last text in C++C #, which is ideally adapted for the Web.