Kanawati, N. & M. Abder–Raziq. 2005. Mereruka and his Family. Part I: The Tomb of Meryteti. – Oxford, Aris and Phillips (The Australian Centre for Egyptology: Reports 21)
The mastaba of Mereruka is without any doubt one of the best known monuments in the necropolis of Saqqara. The accessibility of the tomb, however, overshadows the fact that this funerary complex is only partially published. Daressy (1900) focused exclusively on the edition of the main inscriptions and Duell’s magnificent publication ‘The Mastaba of Mereruka’ (1938) does not cover the sections of the complex dedicated to Mereruka’s wife and son. The 21st report of the Australian Centre for Egyptology co–authored by Naguib Kanawati and Mahmud Abder–Raziq is the first of several books meant to complete the publication of the monument: architecture, inscriptions and scenes.
This volume is devoted to the tomb of Meryteti, Mereruka’s son, whose funerary apartments lie to the north of his father’s quarters. A second volume dedicated to the tomb of Watetkhether/Zeshzeshet, Mereruka’s wife and Meryteti’s mother, which occupies the south–west corner of the mastaba, is in preparation. A study of Mereruka’s family, which we are told will provide additional information about his sons and their respective occupation of the complex should follow. Read more...