Jasnow, R. & K.–Th. Zauzich. 2005. The Ancient Egyptian Book of Thoth: A Demotic Discourse on Knowledge and Pendant to the Classical Hermetica (Volume I & II). – Wiesbaden, Otto Harrasowitz


  • F. Hagen


This book is the long–awaited text edition of a composition that was first announced by the authors at the Seventh International Congress of Egyptology held in Cambridge in September 1995 (Jasnow & Zauzich, 1998: 607–618). The text, dubbed ‘The Book of Thoth’ by the authors, is a complex and multi–layered discourse in the form of a dialogue between the god Thoth and a student designated as mr-rx, ‘lover of knowledge/wisdom’ (cf. Greek philosophos). As with most Egyptian papyri, the manuscripts of the text are fragmentary and dispersed, with even a single papyrus often being split between various collections around the world. The dates of the manuscripts fall between the 1st Century BC and 2nd Century AD, and they are said to come from various sites in Egypt, including a considerable number from Tebtunis and Dime, as well as Elephantine (P. Louvre AF 13035 and P. Louvre E 10614; the only copy of the Book of Thoth in hieratic) and perhaps Edfu (P. Berlin P 15531, the best preserved manuscript). Read more...


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The Ancient Egyptian Book of Thoth




How to Cite

Hagen, F. (2007). Jasnow, R. & K.–Th. Zauzich. 2005. The Ancient Egyptian Book of Thoth: A Demotic Discourse on Knowledge and Pendant to the Classical Hermetica (Volume I & II). – Wiesbaden, Otto Harrasowitz. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 4(1), 01-03. Retrieved from https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/524