Hellenbarth, J. 2006. Gräber und Tempel. Archäologische Stätten in Oberägypten und Nubien. 2007. – Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern (calender)
Reviewing a calendar is not often done. However, there is much reason to present the beautiful calendar ‘Gräber und Tempel. Archäologische Stätten in Oberägypten und Nubien. 2007’, by Philipp von Zabern. The calendar is simple in layout: a strong cardboard back with 13 pages of glossy, high quality paper. On these pages the dates are given in a column at the right side with the month as heading in German and English. Because no days are given, the calendar can be used for multiple years, rather than only for the year 2007, but in 2008 a new calendar will appear. The major part of the large pages (slightly larger than A3) however, is used for the beautiful, high quality colour photographs of temples (for instance January), details of painting (for example December) and details of reliefs (for example October). The back of the pages are used to describe what you see. The description is detailed and is not limited to the picture itself; it rather puts the object in a wider perspective. Sometimes even maps are included as to locate the object on the picture (the ‘Wappenpfeiler’ of September is such and example). Read more...