Readiness for Change among Executives of Japanese MNCs Indian Workspaces- An Exploration
Readiness for change is a developmental point of an individual or person within an organisation, or system which has the competence and willingness to engage in a particular activity. In present research as well as in referring advice on change readiness, tends to view only in two primary points of view, i.e., (1) readiness is measured by the organization’s financial, material, human and informational resources that can be applied to the change, and (2) readiness is determined by the psychological willingness of affected people to cooperate in bringing the change for fruition. As both the points are not commonly brought together, in this paper we focus, in particularly to resolve and bring beneficial at different levelsthe second point that an individual’s perception of the benefits of change is an initiator of readiness for change is the purpose of this paper. The issues of readiness for change among employees have become much significant, hence to figure out the willingness among each employee need to explore and know-how for further research is questionable for the employees mainly working in Japanese firms in Indian workspace.