Problems faced by school principals in relation to their leadership quality and school environment


  • Indu Taneja, Dr. Shruti Tiwari


The purpose of present study was to find out the various problems faced by school principals in relation to leadership quality and school environment. The design of this study is descriptive in nature. The sample of 130 Principals were selected by using random sampling technique. The data was collected by using LES (Leadership effective scale), SES (School effective scale) and Self-made questionnaire. For analysis the collected data correlation was used as statistical technique. The findings of present study revealed that there is no significant correlation between problems of principals in relation to their leadership quality and school environment


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How to Cite

Indu Taneja, Dr. Shruti Tiwari. (2020). Problems faced by school principals in relation to their leadership quality and school environment. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(9), 7200 - 7204. Retrieved from