The carrying capacity of the foundation is the main thing that determines the ability of the
foundation to withstand structural loads. A review of the re-analysis of the foundation in this
study includes analysis of the allowable bearing capacity of the pile, planning the efficiency
and bearing capacity of the group foundation by remodeling the superstructure using the
Etabs V 13 program to get the reaction received by the foundation. The regulations used are
SNI 03-2847-2002 regarding general regulations on structural planning and SNI 03-1726-
2012 regarding earthquake resistance procedures for building buildings. From the results of
the re-analysis of the structure, it is obtained that the bearing capacity of the group piles after
the addition of the number of floors Q permit = 6298.45 <6549.77 kN (does not meet Q
permit pile), P max = 915.75 kN > Supporting capacity of pile pressure permits = 749.816 kN
(does not meet), so with these results it can be concluded that the piles used do not meet the
priority factor.