
  • Valentin V. Kashirin
  • Mihail V. Romanenko
  • Manir S. Khalikov
  • Valery K. Kovalchuk
  • Alexander P. Susyev


This paper considers a wide range of theoretical and practical problems of the post-crisis
development of Russian economy through the lens of technology, innovation and investment.
The authors see their main task in proposing the measures to improve the efficiency of the
domestic economy after overcoming the crisis of 2015–2017 and to strengthen its subsequent
innovative socio-economic development. Thus, the paper makes an attempt to substantiate
possible approaches to the transformation of the RF economy in the setting of the
globalization of world economic relations and the transition to a post-industrial economic
system based on the generation, distribution and use of knowledge. In fact, the authors
propose a new approach to considering the post-crisis way of restoring the socio-economic
potential of the country. A distinctive feature of the work is the practical interpretation of
some provisions and conclusions from the works of known Russian and foreign scientists and
specialists in theory of innovation and institutional analysis, such as Abalkin A.A., Auzan
S.D., Bodrunov A.V., Buzgalin S.Yu., Glaz’ev R.S., Grinberg A.A., Dynkin V.V.,
Ivanter.B.G., Kleyner A.I., Kolganov A.D., Nekipelov V.M., Polterovich V.M., Tambovtsev

The methodological and information basis of the study was formed by the following:
legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and its entities; methods of
institutional, system and comparative analysis, statistical methods, methods of modeling and
forecasting innovative activities; research works of Russian and foreign specialists; works of
the authors of this study; materials of international and Russian research and practice
conferences, seminars, round tables, mass media, and Internet.The Strategy for the Formation
of the Innovative Economy of Russia for the period until 2020 seems to be quite positive
(Strategy of Innovative Development of the Russian Federation for the Period to 2020,
Government of the Russian Federation, December 8, 2011 # 2227.) However, the
troublesome fact is that at present the fruits of the relatively successful economic
development are highly unevenly allocated between the regions and the population of Russia.
All this can not continue for so long without monumental losses (economic, social, and
demographic ones) for the whole country. The task of post-crisis development is not only to
ensure a high innovative level of socio-economic development of the domestic economy, but
also to ensure that every citizen and region of Russia sees its real results. Positive economic
changes at the country level should be accompanied by adequate growth of socio-economic
development of all RF entities and the living stand


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How to Cite

Valentin V. Kashirin, Mihail V. Romanenko, Manir S. Khalikov, Valery K. Kovalchuk, & Alexander P. Susyev. (2021). MAIN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CHALLENGES FOR POST-CRISIS DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(10), 3407-3423. Retrieved from