Fiber Optic Sensors: A Leading Trend in Sensor Technology


  • Akshaya Dhingra, Vikas Sindhu, Anil Sangwan


Fiber Optic Sensors (FOS) are being used in a variety of application since last few decades. Technological research in the field has made it more attractive and viable. Fiber optic sensing is a field in which multi-parameter measurements are made by either using optical fiber itself or with the help of an external transducer. FOS exhibit higher sensitivity, immunity to Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), smaller size, longer lifetime and amenability to multiplexing. These sensors can be deployed for varying applications i.e. Physical, Chemical, Electrical, Water, Transportation, Agriculture and Industrial fields. FOS can be further classified based on location, spatial distribution and operating principle. In the present paper study of various sensors based on Fiber optics has been presented in detail. This will enrich the researchers to find the gap areas and motivate them to undertake the research work towards the advancement in the field.





How to Cite

Akshaya Dhingra, Vikas Sindhu, Anil Sangwan. (2020). Fiber Optic Sensors: A Leading Trend in Sensor Technology. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(9), 8075 - 8091. Retrieved from