
  • Marisa Astuti
  • BimaMaulana


Underground music in Indonesia in the digital era is starting to have a strong passion, seen from the many new bands that have sprung up from various types of underground music genres. The underground music scene in Indonesia looks very different between then and now, because at this time most people prefer to listen to a song through digital streaming services and there is also a lack of public appreciation for a work created by each band. The existence of a piece of music is closely related to graphic design. Several graphic design products are generally used as a supporting medium for music, including album covers and various kinds of merchandise which are produced as supporting media in promoting the album and the band itself. Godless Symptoms is an underground hardcore, crossover thrash band from Bandung that was formed in 2003 and has had 4 studio albums to date. The final design work entitled "Designing the Latest Album Cover Illustration for Godless Symptoms and Media Promotion" aims to create a visual identity that is characterized by the graphic design of the album and the promotional media used, and aims to make Godless Symptoms more widely known to the public and have good Figure of other underground bands. The design of the new Godless Symptoms live album entitled "Live at Extreme Moshpit Studio" applies the theory and concept of the Dark Art or Artwork Design style as an illustration, and the promotional media used includes visual communication media related to music, such as physical releases, merchandise, and social media.Through this design, it is hoped that the public and underground music lovers can appreciate music again properly, such as buying physical releases from popular musicians, buying merchandise or attending concerts from popular bands by buying concert tickets.So that in the end the beloved band gets an appreciation of a work that has been created, and the band can continue to work, last a long time and be able to compete by producing a work that is better than other bands and the underground music scene in Indonesia can continue to grow and return. active in appreciation and favored by the music lover community.


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How to Cite

Marisa Astuti, & BimaMaulana. (2021). ILLUSTRATION AND MEDIA PROMOTION DESIGNSFOR THE BAND GODLESS SYMPTOMS’ NEW ALBUM. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(10), 3627-3650. Retrieved from