O’Connor, D. & S. Quirke. Eds. 2003. Mysterious lands. – London, UCL Press (Encounters with ancient Egypt)


  • J. Dieleman


The international conference ‘Encounters with Ancient Egypt’ held at University College London in mid December 2000 has resulted in an eight volumes publication with the same name, which deals broadly with questions of identity and the politics of representation and translation in both the ancient sources from Egypt as in modern scholarship and popular culture concerned with pharaonic Egypt. The series hopes to give an answer to the question “how far fascination and knowledge about Ancient Egypt have been based on sources of evidence rather than extraneous political or commercial concerns and interests” (series editor’s foreword). In a sense one could say that the series represents an attempt to combine a cultural studies perspective with a more traditional Egyptological approach: it is no longer solely the ancient artifact which is subjected to scholarly scrutiny but the scholar and his or her particular cultural background have become objects of study as well. Read more...


Mysterious lands




How to Cite

Dieleman, J. . (2021). O’Connor, D. & S. Quirke. Eds. 2003. Mysterious lands. – London, UCL Press (Encounters with ancient Egypt). PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 2(1), 01-03. Retrieved from https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/616