Energy is an essential input in all production and consumption activities. With existing technologies, increasing per capita productivity is needed to increase per capita income which in term requires increased amount of energy. It is the primary output in the production of all goods and services for both urban and rural development. The supply of energy has not been increasing in the same proportion of the demand for energy. This article is the result of a study done in this context, focusing on study of commercial energy production and consumption in India from 2001-02 to 2018-19. These variables were analyzed through the secondary data collected from various published sources. The study indicates that commercial energy such as coal, lignite, crude oil, natural gas and electricity consumption growth rate was high as compared to commercial energy production. The share of renewable energy consumption was also increasing nowadays. Energy demand- supply gap may be overcome only with help of increasing energy production capacity through renewable sources available within our country. To achieve self reliance and economic stability, per capita energy consumption have to be raise , which in turn uplift standard of living of the people and pave the path for economic growth.