Violations In The Inheritance Of The Aleasbuh And Their Impact On Social Security


  • Zainab Ahmed Al-Saeed Muhammad


I have devoted this research; of the widespread irregularities in the inheritance of the Aleasbuh and its bad impact on Islamic societies. In this research, I dealt with defining who the Aleasbuh is, and then explaining their inheritance in Islam. Then it dealt with the widespread violations, how to deal with them, confront them and reduce them, and limit the crimes resulting from these violations. Then I dealt with the social impact of implementing Allah's law on inheritance because of its role in social security.


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How to Cite

Zainab Ahmed Al-Saeed Muhammad. (2021). Violations In The Inheritance Of The Aleasbuh And Their Impact On Social Security. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(1), 4274 - 4285. Retrieved from