Maier, G. 2003. African dinosaurs unearthed. The Tendaguru expeditions. – Bloomington, Indiana University Press
It is not always an undiluted pleasure to read the preface to a book. More often than not, it constitutes an all-too-obvious attempt on the part of an agent or publisher to increase sales by the recruitment of a 'big name'. Dale Russell's preface to Gerhard Maier's account of the various Tendaguru expeditions is the glorious exception. I may even go so far as to say that his two pages contain the best prose of the book, not only perfectly setting the stage for Maier's own account, but also putting the finger on some crucial context within which that tale is set.
This does not mean that Maier's account is inferior. But, by necessity, his emphasis is on completeness rather than on the narrative side. On the other hand, the history of the several Tendaguru excavations is a tantalising one and Maier takes full advantage of the numerous anecdotes attached to them. That he succeeds in doing so without losing sight of the broader picture of geopolitical developments or losing himself in minuscule detail is testimony to the comprehensiveness of this book. Read more...