The influence of social public announcement on consumers’ behavior: A content analysis related to cognitive attitude, affective attitude, behavioral attitude. A study of Bahrain and Malaysia
The main purpose of the current research is to investigate the influence of social public announcements on consumers’ behavior. The undertaken research is applied affective cognitive theory to understand how social public announcement affects cognitive attitude in order affective attitude which in return influence on the behavioral attitude of the consumers. The study was among drivers with the applied social public announcement “do not text and drive” and “do not drink and drive”. The result showed that cognitivist positively influence affective attitude with different feelings of consumers which respectively changing their behavior. The study was with control variables such as gender, age, and driving experience. These kinds of advertisements mostly controversial, moreover, last year's current advertisements have become more and more explicit with the messages and following consequences. The research aims to explore the influence of consumer behavior and how customers alter their behavior. The images of the advertisement and a message containing are remarkably powerful and research of the current area should prove how advertisement impacts all areas of people's lives