Agricultural loan waiver in India: An analysis


  • Dr.Priya Kumari


The above article is based on the concept of Agricultural loan waiver in India in terms of different analyses. The concept of farm loan waivers plays an important role in the approach of certain requirements. The distress of farmers rationalizes the concept of research in terms of suitable analysis. The financial statuses of the loan are especially occurring in the strategy of loan waivers. This article reviews the function of data on the concept of different methods in terms of suitable functions. There is a wide range of circumstances in the approach of suitable functions. It identifies the possibility of the system on the basis of different assurance of loan products. The creation of agricultural analysis reduces the possibility of the process of different suitable consequences.  For the waivers, the operation of suitable agricultural loans reduces the number of ongoing parameters.


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How to Cite

Dr.Priya Kumari. (2021). Agricultural loan waiver in India: An analysis. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(4), 2917-2928. Retrieved from