The objective of this study was to examine the concept of emotional intelligence and balanced personality in the Javanese perspective. This study focuses on the significance of constructing the theory of emotional intelligence and balanced personality through the discovery of fundamental principles of Javanese culture as the development of Javanese indigenous psychology, and can effectively benefit the estimated demand for both the development of Javanese indigenous personality. The study was carried out by collaborating with two research methods. Both were rooted scientific approaches and the evaluation of internal and external concepts. Theoretical framework was guided by in-depth interviews, FGDs, and observations. The result of this study is that the definition of emotional intelligence in the Western sense becomes a "psychological attribute" or a skill (soft-skills) that continues to be peripheral and neutral. In the sense of Javanese culture, emotional intelligence was perceived as a way of life that has been founded from the worldview to life, embodied the value of ethical or moral constructs, and had been central. Emotional intelligence was theview, an understanding of waskitha ing nafsu, which is being able to cope with the lust and rasa ‘inner aspiration’. The measures of balancing lust or nafsu and the rasa are narima ing pandum, tata diri (self-regulation), niat ‘intention’ and kehendak sajati (true intention and willingness), empathy and social cohesion. Balanced personality in the sense of Javanese culture is described as a mature, adult and ideal personality. It leads to the life values underlying the neutral and peripheral, but not central, life of Javanese people. It comprises three basic characters, which is pribadi sepuh (personal elderly), pribadi wutuh (the whole personality), and pribadi tangguh (strong personal).