Takhrij and Terms of Hadith Concerning Pandemi as Educative Information for the Community
This research is motivated by the current disaster, namely the Covid 19 pandemic which has hit the majority of countries around the world including Indonesia, this pandemic has inevitably caused fear in the community because the number of infected victims is not small. This study aims to determine takhrij and sharah (explanation) of the hadiths about the pandemic and the conclusions of these hadiths as educational information and Islamic solutions for the community when facing an epidemic. This research uses library research, the approach used is hadith takhrij, namely by searching for sources of hadiths about pandemics through the hadith takhrij method based on hadith lafadz. The data analysis in this research is descriptive analysis, namely by examining and analyzing the sharah (explanation) of the hadiths about the pandemic in various books of the hadiths of sharah. The primary sources in this study are hadith books, books of hadith syarah and books of hadith takhrij. The conclusion in this study is that Islam as a religion of rahmatan lil 'alamin has provided solutions for mankind in all aspects of life, including during an epidemic. These solutions are contained in the hadiths of the Prophet PBUH, including the plague which is a blessing from Allah for believers who is patient, recommendations for lockdown or quarantine during an outbreak, and that infectious diseases are the destiny of Allah SWT.