The Influence of Advertising and Personal Selling on Purchasing Decisions at Borobudur Department Store, Karawang Branch


  • Dedi Mulyadi


Advertising, Personal Selling, Purchasing Decisions.


The purpose of this research was to determine how much influence advertising and personal selling on purchasing decisions at Borobudur Department Store in the Karawang area. The method used in this research is descriptive verification. In this study, researchers used three variables, namely two independent variables (X1 and X2) and one dependent variable (Y). In this case, variable X1 is advertising and variable X2 is personal sales, which is a variable that affects variable Y, namely the purchase decision at Borobudur Department Store, Karawang Branch. In this study, the population is 1200 customers at Borobudur Department Store, Karawang Branch, which is obtained from the calculation of the customers of Borobudur Department Store, Karawang Branch per day, an average of 40 people (customers) x 30 days = 1200 people. The population of 1200 people and based on the table above, in this case, an error rate of 10% is used, and the sample obtained is 221 people. The data obtained from the results of this study is that there is a correlation between Advertising (X1) and Personal Sales (X2) with a correlation coefficient value of 0.855 and has a strong and unidirectional relationship because the value is positive. Partial effects between Advertising (X1) and Personal Sales (X2) Purchasing Decisions (Y) are as follows: a. there is a partial influence between Advertising (X1) on Purchasing Decisions with a value of 0.399, b. There is a partial influence between Personal Seller (X2) on Purchase Decisions (Y) with a value of 0.471. Because 0.471 is greater than 0.399, it can be stated that the Personal Seller variable contributes more to the Purchase Decision than the Advertising variable, this is because the respondents prioritize The attention-grabbing Personal Salesperson makes the purchase decision, then the advertising itself. The total simultaneous influence between Advertising (X1) and Personal Sales (X2) on Purchasing Decisions (Y) contributed 70.4% to Purchasing Decisions while the remaining 29.6% was the contribution of other variables (ε) which were not examined in this study.


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How to Cite

Dedi Mulyadi. (2021). The Influence of Advertising and Personal Selling on Purchasing Decisions at Borobudur Department Store, Karawang Branch. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(4), 3704-3720. Retrieved from