Generally, in the art and architecture, the concept of the Golden Ratio has been used for 2,500 years to establish harmonious proportions [2]. Many designers and typography books are recommending the use of golden ratio in most of the engineering projects. Further, it is the ratio of two parts with different lengths of a line segment. In other words, the longer part divided by the smaller part in the segment is equivalent to the total of both lengths. The number has become most astonishing while they used it in architectural works, such as the Athens Parthenon splendid domes, which has been architected by Athens in 447 BC. During the European Renaissance, when Leonardo Da Vinci studied the physical proportions of man and depicted golden ratio in his unfinished canvas of St Jerome, along with other works such as the Mona Lisa and the Vitruvian Man, the ratio became even more pronounced and eternal. In this thesis, the review of basic properties, history and importance of the golden ratio are explained with the inclusion of examples.