The Analysis of a non-Literary Text by Using the Critical Reading Strategies


  • Ahmed Almedee


Critical reading doesn't necessarily represent the ability to critique what you've read. Reading and critical thinking together does not mean being 'critical' of many concepts, discussions, or scriptures - an allegation that they are inappropriate or somewhat blemished. Critical reading declares that engaging in what you are reading by asking yourself different questions, such as 'What is the writer trying to say?' Or 'What is the main argument made?' Critical reading is about providing a rational debate that corrects and tests what you have read. To become a critical - in the academic sense - means reinforcing your comprehension, not rejecting learning and thus ending it.

Bressler, in his forward, quotes from what Victor Hugo already said; that "to learn to read is to kindle a fire; every syllable sparkles" (2011: xi). The idea of critical reading, lately expressed as a paradigmatic tactic particularly in teaching that can be seen as an attempt to 're-read' requires addressing many concepts that affect life in direct or indirect ways with a broader viewpoint. The essential part of the literary diversity of the idea indicating many originalities is the focus on interpretation and perfect reading after the typescript.

Among all these areas, literary semiotics interests us most particularly. The literary text is a comprehension of signs that it is about to decipher: you must know how to read these signs before translating them because they can be not given as is at first glimpse. "So, semiotics provides, in the domain of literature, a tactic of reading and analysis both for the reader, the editor, the editor and the literary critic or the semiotician, therefore for all those who assure the quest for meaning from the literary text". (Öztürk Kasar, 2009: 2).

Reading is a process of examining the explicit meaning of words and sentences, while critical reading is a method of digging throughout the text to discover the deep meaning and to understand the implicit intention of the writer. Bressler, attested on the sayings of Oscar Wilde when he pointed out that the "artist is the creator of beautiful things and that the critic is [one] who can interpreter or translate into another manner or new material of one's impression of beautiful things. “When critics disagree, the artist is in accord with him [her] self" (2011: xi). Reading is one of the skills that the reader or audience should have to see and understand what is beyond the text.


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How to Cite

Ahmed Almedee. (2021). The Analysis of a non-Literary Text by Using the Critical Reading Strategies. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(4), 4849 - 4860. Retrieved from