Consumers Price Sensitivity towards Marketing Claims for Eco-Friendly Cosmetics


  • Prerna Pravesh Salve, Vanishree Pabalkar, Tushar Kumar Roy


In recent years the use of environmental or green marketing claims by companies has increased drastically because it gives a competitive edge as well as higher profits. The objective of this paper is to study consumer buying behaviour towards green or eco-friendly cosmetics and for which marketing claims will the consumers pay a higher price. The claims that were exactly examined in this paper are: usage of organic material or reprocessed material; sustainable practices; contribute to eco-friendly organizations. A quantitative survey of individual residing in India revealed that the Attitude towards Marketing Claims can be an effective factor to attract those customers who have previously bought eco-friendly cosmetics. The research was structured around the concept of reasoned action. The implications, shortcomings, and recommendations for future research are put forward.


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How to Cite

Prerna Pravesh Salve, Vanishree Pabalkar, Tushar Kumar Roy. (2021). Consumers Price Sensitivity towards Marketing Claims for Eco-Friendly Cosmetics. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(4), 6594 - 6611. Retrieved from