FORENSIC AUDIT - A Quick fix for Fraudulent Accounting Practices


  • Dr. S. Amutha, Dr. S. Shankari


Accounting is the language of Business. Every accounting transaction reflects the performance of people within the organization. Though book-keeping is the method of maintaining Journal and Ledger along with Trial Balance, accounting elaborates with Preparation of various subsidiary books and presentation of Final Accounts at the end of each year. It created a systematic way to present all business transactions under double entry system. It contents with the principle of Simple, Moral, Accountable, Responsiveness and Transparency (SMART) and facilitates the stakeholders to get all information in right time. To ensure the credibility of business transactions, Auditing was introduced. In simple terms Book-keeping ends Accounting starts; and Accounting ends Auditing starts. Due to numerous transactions of all corporates lot of scams such as embezzlement of cash, theft of goods,  fraudulent management and other financial crimes were emulated. Forensic accounting is the application of accounting knowledge and investigative skills to identify and resolve the legal issues. To improve the public trust and investors confidence apart from conventional functions of accounting Forensic accounting focuses on corporate misconduct and fraudulent financial crimes. United States and Canada are the pioneers in implementation and development of forensic accounting. In India, Forensic accounting is still in crawling stage. In order to through light on the areas of corporate financial crimes and to find the need of Forensic accounting this study was made.



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How to Cite

Dr. S. Amutha, Dr. S. Shankari. (2021). FORENSIC AUDIT - A Quick fix for Fraudulent Accounting Practices. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(1), 4796-4800. Retrieved from