Purchase Intention of Electric Vehicles: An Empirical Study in Bangalore
Electric vehicles have attracted the attention of India’s policy makers as clean technology alternatives. The opportunities for India’s mobility future are massive. As an oil import dependent country, the energy scarcity is another challenge ( (Patil, May 2019). Electric vehicle is a new way of transportation having no air, noise pollution and an environmentally friendly way to commute. Contemporary environmental concerns are thrusting the manufacturing and sales of Electric vehicles. The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of performance features, financial benefits, environmental concerns, social influence, cost of ownership and infrastructure support on purchase intention of Indian consumers towards Electric Vehicles (Ali, July 2018). The study focuses on exploring purchase intentions with key marketing factor influencing buying decision of Electric Vehicles. This research is essential in the current market condition of India, as there is a huge push from the government to adopt Electric Vehicles and there is a lack of recent studies on this topic in India, which entails a gap in the scientific literature. India being a major market for electric vehicle and government plan to be an electric vehicle country by 2030 is a major ambitious plan and to achieve this aims to check the acceptability of people towards electric vehicle and its effect on automobile industry.