Fully-Discrete For Expanded H^1-Galerkin Mixed Finite Element Method of PIDEs With Nonlinear Memory


  • Ali Kamil Naeemah , Hameeda Oda Al-Humedi


In this paper, the expanded -Galerkin mixed finite element method is proposed for parabolic integro-differential equations with nonlinear memory. The fully discrete error estimates based on backward Euler method are obtained. Moreover, the optimal a priori error estimates in  and -norm for the scalar unknown  and the error results in -norm for  gradient , and its flux  are derived. Finally, numerical results are presented to confirm our theoretical analysis.




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How to Cite

Ali Kamil Naeemah , Hameeda Oda Al-Humedi. (2021). Fully-Discrete For Expanded H^1-Galerkin Mixed Finite Element Method of PIDEs With Nonlinear Memory. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(7), 132-145. Retrieved from https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/7640