
  • Dr. Mohammed Salman Mahmood, Hayder Chasib AL.Behadili


The role of the United Nations to protect human rights came after the failure of the League of Nations to maintain international peace and security. It was established by the United Nations in 1945, and one of its main objectives is to protect human rights in all countries of the year, and to reduce grave violations, through its main organs related to this goal, and its mechanisms and procedures, which it follows in preserving human rights and fundamental freedoms, and then it is considered an organization The United Nations is the first international body, so it works to protect human rights and freedoms in order to perform its functions on a group of mechanisms, devices, organizations, agencies and bodies affiliated with it, and each of them is entrusted with a set of functions and tasks in order to promote, protect and promote human rights and freedoms Although the protection of human rights is at the core of the work of the executive and judicial authorities in countries, the role of the United Nations bodies for the protection of human rights represents the important and main role in the protection system for human rights, so the main objective From the establishment of the United Nations, which is ((maintaining international peace and security)) and this general and main objective, which highlighted the role and importance of the presence of the United Nations in the protection of human rights Close contact with issues of human rights protection directly, and that the organs of the United Nations Organization for the Protection of Human Rights are divided into the main organs in the United Nations and their role in the protection of human rights. economic and social)) and their clear importance and role in protecting human rights and promoting comprehensive protection.


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How to Cite

Dr. Mohammed Salman Mahmood, Hayder Chasib AL.Behadili. (2020). MECHANISMS THE UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION (RETRIEVED RESEARCH). PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(6), 16461-16480. Retrieved from