
  • Eddy Guridno


The planning and development process of the Nusa Dua Tourism Resort was started in the early 1970s, from 1983 to 2013 or 30 years has contributed greatly to the development of Indonesian tourism. Changes in the political map in post-reform Indonesia from an authoritarian Orde Baru regime to a democratic reformist government have contributed to the political power relations between rulers and society, including what happened at the Nusa Dua Tourism Resort. Behind all its success as a luxury tourist resort, Nusa Dua Tourism Resort holds a number of political-socio- economic problems that have been and are still being felt by the people around the resort since the beginning of land acquisition until now. This research focuses on some of the stakeholders from the business community, tourism professional associations, and the community around tourist objects and attractions. Changes in the social and political system in Indonesia in the form of power relations are not absolute, meaning that there is no full hegemony, as well as no total oppositional power relations. During the land acquisition process and in the early days of building and managing hotels at the Nusa Dua tourist resort, the community generally looked submissive, but in their hearts many were disappointed and had to accept intimidation if they expressed signs of rejecting or disapproving of the government project. Likewise, in the era of oppositional power relations today, there is not the slightest desire of the community to completely reject the idea of developing, managing, or structuring the Nusa Dua Tourism Resort. The community only protests, rallies, and takes oppositional actions against things that are detrimental while on other matters such as the creation of green tourism, the application of the tri hita karana teachings, the community supports. They support Nusa Dua to remain a luxury tourism area in a sustainable manner while the power relationship between BTDC, investors, and the community is influenced by three ideologies, namely the ideology of global tourism, the ideology of green tourism, and the ideology of cultural tourism based on local values. The influence of global tourism ideology on the Nusa Dua Tourism Resort can be seen in the universal demand for the importance of security in tourism management. The positive change in power relations in the management of the Nusa Dua Tourism Resort, which was originally hegemonic, became more democratic by taking into account the wishes of other interested parties. In a brief sense, the hegemony of power has been lost in the political relations of ertyuiop

the interests of each party at the Nusa Dua Tourism Resort.


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How to Cite

Eddy Guridno. (2021). RELATIONSHIP OF AUTHORITY AND CONTROL IN 30 YEARS NUSA DUA BALI TOURIST RESORT. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(08), 2810-2830. Retrieved from