Socio-Psychological problems Faced by Female Victims of Acid Burn in Southern Punjab, Pakistan


  • Zahid Zulfiqar
  • Abou Safian
  • Muhammad Imran
  • Abdul Sattar Ghaffari
  • Tariq Mehmood Bhuttah


Acid, Violence, Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Rejection, Victim.


Acid Attacks have emerged as the contemporary form of violence which is generally targeted against women with the intention of deforming her face and body, and even killing her. The Increasing number of acid attacks over the years has created an alarming situation which needs to be re-addressed. The current study analyzed the different socio-psycho hassles faced by the victims of acid burn in southern Punjab, Pakistan. The researcher selected 38 victims of acid violence from Nishtar Burn Center Multan by using the purposive sampling. It was also found that anxiety and depression were statistically positively significantly correlated with each other; marital status, family care and support, area, monthly family income and age had a significant effect on anxiety as well as depression; level of anxiety anddepression are higher in single than that in married patients. Similarly, the results indicated higher level of anxiety and depression in the patients who have low family care and support than that in the patients who have higher family care and support. Furthermore, the level of anxiety and depression were higher in the patients who belonged to urban area and who were <30 years old than that in the patients who belong to rural area and who were age >30 years old. The findings have indicated that anxiety and depression levels significantly differ among different income levels. It is suggested that the government should have to make rehabilitation centers for the acid burn victims for minimizing the depression and stress of the victims. To minimize the depression and stress of the victims the government of Pakistan should have to bear the financial expenditure as well.


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How to Cite

Zahid Zulfiqar, Abou Safian, Muhammad Imran, Abdul Sattar Ghaffari, & Tariq Mehmood Bhuttah. (2021). Socio-Psychological problems Faced by Female Victims of Acid Burn in Southern Punjab, Pakistan. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(2), 819-831. Retrieved from